Wednesday, September 30, 2009


First week of school = crazy!
Yesterday was my first day...
and I was down at school from 7am to 9pm.

Long day, but super fun and rewarding.
I am taking a *required* math class :(
and 2 Women's Studies classes for my major. Yay!

We will see if I can keep up.

So, to get to school, I ride my bike from my house to the bus stop...
I get on the bus, which takes me to school. Well, this is super fun in the morning...
but when I have to come home from school at night,
it's a little different.

I have visual aids:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I know this is old news, but I find this one awesome!!!!
I used to love Saved By The Bell...
Well, I may still love it a little. Just a little.


Wow, I must have been tired.
I got home from babysitting today at 6 pm...
said Hi to my parents,
and then went to "relax" in my room.

When I woke up, I figured I just dozed off for
a hour or so...turns out I had been asleep for
5 1/2 hours.

It is now 1:30 in the morning and I am wide awake.

So, school starts next week and I am
mildly excited.
My math textbook brought me down from VERY excited.
First of all, it cost $100...which is expected.
But then I looked inside, and found

I am going to go edit pictures of my beautiful nephew now...
that always calms me.

Here's a recent one:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Damn Dentist

I had to go to that dang dentist today.(Cell Phone pic from the chair)

My mouth was numb for six hours afterward.
So, I gave myself permission to get sushi tonight.
I deserved it.

Here are a few other pics from vacation:

Yay for jumping pictures!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daily Vlog and Vacation

I just got back from my vacation where there was no wifi,
so I am going crazy trying to look at everything.

Vacation was great. I was sick, but still enjoyed myself.

I was going to do a daily vlog but my camera busted..
so that is postponed.

Here are a few pics from my vacation at the Oregon Coast...
We don't know why...but there were strange little doors all over the rental house...Yay!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I heart orange juice!

Somehow, I got sick...AGAIN!! I need to really get up on my preventative care.

Although...I take vitamins everyday...
and I drink a lot of water...
AND I wash my hands a lot...

What am I doing wrong?

I am around kiddies a lot. I know that is a huge part of it...

But you'd think I'd have a immune system of steel by now.


The essentials

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I did a fun shoot with Evanna and her boyfriend Mat today.

Then, I took my official self-portrait.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I visited my Dad today at work (a hospital)
and he took me on a tour of the OR they are revamping.
They cut a big hole in the side of it, so a MRI machine
could role in and out. Insane. I forgot to bring in my good camera
but I did take some pics on my cell phone.

I also visited the morgue, but I think
taking pictures in there is some sort of sin.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Fair Part Deux

My family went down to the Oregon State Fair today.
Yay! We had tons of fun and luckily
the weather was kind to us.

The goats liked Laura.

Yay for reflection shots!

For some reason the bunny rabbits really
liked my Dad.

Obligatory cute animal shots!

To cool for school.

The Fair!

I woke up this morning at 4 am.
I'm just so dang excited about the fair.
My family is making the trek down to the
Oregon State Fair later this morning. Yay!
I will hopefully go back to sleep...
but until then
I will continue to watch the live cameras.

Oh, it's like Christmas! I absolutely love the fair.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Emergency Department

I hurt my back this morning
and I thought
I could survive.
So I went to work like normal
(I was just super careful of my movements).
Well, one o'clock rolls around
and I could not move without
severe pain in my lower back.
So, I call the mother of the kids I babysit
and I tell her I can no longer function unless
I am flat on my back.
So, she came home early (thank heavens she's cool)
and she drove me over to the hospital.
Luckily, the Emergency Department was slow...Yay!
I was in and out of there in like half hour.
Also (again luckily) my Daddy works at the
hospital so he was able to be there with me.
I got my drugs and I am currently
unable to move. Yay.

But much much happier news,
I did a photo shoot for my brother's in-laws. Whooopee.
It was a lot of fun (minus me falling in the mud) and we got some great shots.
Including this one:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Blah, blah, blah...
and a good busy too!

I had some good times with my SIL and Nephew...
and their dog, Pudge.

Also did some shopping for
canvases and paint... I can't wait to start!